Rabu, 29 Juni 2016



My name is Mita Septiani my commonly called mita, I am a student and I'm still the 6th semester at the university Gunadarma. Here I'll tell you my plan in the next five years I want to achieve first is to be a successful woman and a career so that the very first thing I do is happy my parents, then I will make financial targets practices such as:
1. Increase the number of savings
2. Subject to the S3 level
3. Start saving for retirement
4. Opening the business

               after I will think of pleasant targets such as:

1. Road - the road out of the country

2. build mosque
3. making homes with shades hello kitty

            And then I got married and thinking about my family like:
1 .It child
2 .Membuat children's education savings.
3. Sending children to school.
4. Expand the house.
5. Move to a bigger house
6. create vegetable gardens and fruit

7. family holiday.

8. Buying a villa 
9. has a personal vehicle

I dreamed of this plan in the next five years hopefully what I dream could become a reality with the capital trying, working hard, and always rely on almighty God. Thank you..



                                                                                                            Jakarta, August 23, 2017

HRD Manager
PT. Brantas Abipraya, Tbk.
D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 14
East Jakarta

With respect,

I, the undersigned below :

Name                                       : Mita Septiani, SE
Date of birth                             :Jakarta, September 23, 1995
Address                                   : Jl Swadaya VIII No. 25 Duren sawit, East Jakarta
No. Phone / Mobile                  : 081807852448
last education                            : S1 Accounting
With this petition for work in the company Mr / Ms as Accounting Manager.

Currently I have the education Strata 1 which has a correlation with job-related, and have little experience as Accounting Manager in one of the leading company in Jakarta.

With this letter, I expressed readiness to give time and energy when needed and my hope to be a great selection test and interview.

Thus, for your attention and cooperation say thank you.

Best regards

Mita Septiani, SE

Personal Details

Name                                       : Mita Septiani
Address                                    : Jl Swadaya VIII No 25 East Jakarta
Mobile Phone                           : 081807852448
Place, Date of Birth                   : Jakarta, September 23, 1995
Sex                                          : Female
Marital status                            : Single
Religion                                     : Islam
Nationality                                : Indonesian

Education Details

2000 – 2006 State Elementary School ( SDN 17 Pagi Duren Sawit )
2006 – 2009 State Junior High School ( SMPN 255 Jakarta )
2009 – 2012 State High School ( SMK Pusaka Nusantara 1 Jakarta )
2013 – 2017 Accounting Departemen at North Gunadarma University, Bekasi

Course and Job experience
2007 – 2008 on the Learning Point English Course
2011 – 2012 Apprentice PT Brantas Apibraya
2015 – 2017 Further a laboratory assistant accounting

Sincerely yours,

Mita Septiani